13 April 2011

Libya: ICRC President declares Rules of War must be applied

At a press conference in Geneva in March, Alumnus Jakob Kellenberger urged all those involved in Libya's armed conflict to respect International Humanitarian Law.

The ICRC has reported numerous casualties in the conflict. Alarmed at the intensification in fighting in Libya and casualties, President Kellenberger repeated the most important rules of war which are applicable in this context. He stressed that, "there has to be a distinction between civilians and fighters. It is prohibited to attack civilians."

President Kellenberger insisted that, "acts or threats of violence, the primary purpose of which is to spread terror among the civilian population are prohibited." and that, "medical personnel, transport and infrastructure should be protected."

Jakob Kellenberger was born in 1944 and holds a PhD from the University of Zurich. He entered the Swiss diplomatic service in 1974 and held various posts in the Swiss embassies in Madrid, Brussels (European Communities) and London. From 1984 to 1992 he headed the Integration Office (in charge of relations with the European Communities and the European Free Trade Association) in Berne, as Minister from 1984 and as Ambassador from 1988. From 1992 to 1999 he was State Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Political Director, in which capacity he also acted as coordinator and chief negotiator for the bilateral agreements between Switzerland and the European Union (1994 to 1998). He has been president of the ICRC since 2000.

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