Tech Hub
19 October 2023

Launch of the ciné-club "Technology & the future of our societies"

The Tech Hub, in partnership with the State of Geneva, the HES-SO Genève, the University of Geneva and the Pôle de Création Numérique, invites you to this new monthly ciné-club at Les Cinémas du Grütli, which examines the impact of technology on our society, exploring future perspectives while taking today's reality as a starting point.

This unique ciné-club will present a passionately chosen film each month from around the world, ranging from classic works to contemporary creations, all highlighting the complex relationship between technology and society. After each screening, a discussion moderated by a leading researcher will explore the future implications of the technologies presented.

"Technologies and the Future of Society" is much more than a film club: it's a place where curious minds come together to explore possible futures, to understand how technological advances are transforming our lives and our society. It's also a place for cinephile pleasure, rich in emotion and exchange.

Join us for captivating evenings where cinema becomes a catalyst for discussion, and the future takes shape through the screen. Let's share our ideas and concerns in a cinema, in the company of experts and amateurs, around a quality film!

Stay tuned and look regularly at our events to discover the programming and book your seats to the different evenings.