16 May 2017

Launch of Buenos Aires Alumni Chapter

Launch of the 26th Alumni Chapter, the 7th in Latin America

Representing a community of just under a hundred alumni in Buenos Aires and in Argentina, Graduate Institute Alumni gathered on 13 December 2016 at the residence of the Swiss Ambassador to Argentina for the first ever alumni meeting in Buenos Aires. Ambassador Hans Peter Mock, himself an alumnus, received guests with his wife Karin Mock-Fisher.

The reception was an occasion for alumni to connect and to discuss the possibility of creating an Alumni Chapter in Buenos Aires. A second meeting took place on 28 April, with a formal decision to create a Chapter in the capital of Argentina.

Recognised by the Committee of the Alumni Association on 8 May, the Committee Members are Ambassador Hanspeter Mock (Honorary President), Adam Hennings, Eleonora Antar (Head of the Chapter), Milagros Fonrouge, Anabela Iorio, Amanda Palermo, Andrés Andrés Moncayo Von Hase, Agustina Perez and Helena Stein.

The goals of this new chapter are to strengthen the Institute’s presence in Argentina and the Southern Cone by representing the Institute in academic fairs and providing support to prospective students, to develop academic exchange projects between the Institute and Argentine academic universities and, within this framework, invite Director Burrin to visit the country/South America, and to organise events and conferences to discuss topics of both national and international interest to Alumni based in Argentina.

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