Centre for International Environmental Studies
27 August 2020

Katja Doose's article on the scepticism of Russian Climate Science

Katja Doose, Visiting lecturer at the Graduate Institute and CIES former visiting fellow, has written an article on The Conservation on Russian climate science.  

Katja Doose has written an article on "Le scepticisme de la Russie vis-à-vis du changement climatique expliqué par son histoire scientifique" ('Scepticism of Russia on climate change science in relation to its history"). 

Overall, Russians are considered to be sceptical on the impact of anthropogenic activities as the main cause of climate change. This is often interpreted as the consequence of a recent positioning of Vladimir Putin interests in the making of an 'Oil State'. The president seems to underestimate the need for his government to react to this phenomenon.

The origin of Russian skepticism on the implications human activities on climate change goes back in the 1960s and was consolidated throughout the Cold War.In her article, Katja Doose portrays Russian history in relation to climate change, from the 1960s to the present days in explaining Russian scepticism on climate change. 

To read the full article (french only) please follow the link above.