08 May 2012

Jonathan Lucas appointed Director of UN Agency

The former Institute student will lead the Interregional Crime and Justice Research Unit.

Dr Lucas, who holds a PhD in International Law and Economics from the Institute, was recently appointed Director of UNICRI and begins his new post with 30 years of experience across a wide range of criminal and judicial issues including in the fields of drug control, crime prevention and criminal justice.

Before taking up his current post, Dr Lucas was Chief of the Secretariat of the International Narcotics Control Board. Prior to that, Jonathan Lucas was Representative of the UNODC Regional Office for Southern Africa in Pretoria. He has also served in the two principal UN policy-making organs on drug control, crime prevention and criminal justice as Chief of the Commissions Secretariat Section, encompassing the functions of Secretary, Commission on Narcotic Drugs, and Secretary, Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice.

Dr Lucas began his career in 1982 with the International Labour Organization (ILO) and joined the United Nations in 1984 as Associate Social Affairs Officer in the United Nations Division of Narcotic Drugs. Subsequently, he served in various capacities, including Legal and First Officer for the policymaking organisations of the United Nations International Drug Control Program and as Senior Program Management Officer in the Office of the Executive Director and Director-General of the then Office on Drug Control and Crime Prevention in Vienna.

In addition to his degree from the Institute, Jonathan Lucas holds a diploma from the University of Lyon in France, a BA degree from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne in England, and an MA degree from Acadia University in Canada.

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