“Global governance issues are multifaceted and transversal with both short and long-term dimensions. Their study requires thinking across disciplines and beyond the walls of academia”, says Lucile Maertens. “The Global Governance Center offers a unique space to construct a nuanced understanding of global problems, to unpack current modes of governance and their limits, and to reflect on the future and potential reforms of multilateralism.”
“We are excited about the opportunity to build upon and add fresh energy to the legacy of the centre, established by Professor Tom Biersteker as the Programme for the Study of International Governance, and then as the Global Governance Centre under the co-direction of Professors Nico Krisch and Annabelle Littoz-Monnet”, says James Hollway. “We see an exciting opportunity to provide a unique space for next-generation analytic and critical thinking on the immediate and longer-term challenges of global governance in and across a wide variety of domains.”
Together, Lucile and James aim to position the centre as an interface between research and policy in International Geneva. They take over from Annabelle Littoz-Monnet, who will remain closely involved with the Centre, and thank her and her predecessors for their inspiring work.