30 April 2012

International Studies Association honours former student

Heidi Hardt was awarded the Lawrence S. Finkelstein prize.

The International Studies Association recently awarded Heidi Hardt its Finkelstein Award at its annual convention for submitting the best graduate student paper at the event. Her paper was entitled "Keep friends close but colleagues closer: Informal relationships in peace operation decision-making”. 

Heidi Hardt completed a PhD in Political Science/International Relations at the Graduate Institute in September 2011. Her thesis explored the role and efficiency of international organisations in managing global peace and security. Professor Cédric Dupont was a thesis supervisor.

Heidi holds a Masters of Science in European Studies from the London School of Economics and her PhD studies included a year exchange at Yale University. She is now doing a post-doctoral fellowship at the Centre for International Peace and Security Studies (CIPSS), a joint research centre between the University of Montreal and McGill University. Her research and publications focus on the effectiveness of international organisations at intervention and rapid response in particular. She is especially interested in informal and formal decision-making. Her current work consists of publishing articles on her research and revising her PhD thesis for publication as a book. She is also writing an article on institutional learning at NATO and a book chapter for the 2013 Routledge Handbook of International Organizations.

In the fall, Heidi Hardt will begin a tenure-track assistant professor position in the Political Science Department at the University of Texas at Arlington (Dallas).

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