23 October 2013

Institute Migration Specialist takes up UNHCR post in Yemen

Dr Jerome Elie has recently been recruited by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to undertake a mission in the Republlic of Yemen as Protection Officer/Consultant.

The number of asylum seekers, refugees and migrants reaching Yemen country has been rising for the past six years. People arrive from the Horn of Africa through mixed-migration movements and are vulnerable to exploitation, trafficking, violence and sexual abuse at all stages of their journeys, especially when crossing the Arabian Sea or Red Sea on overcrowded boats.

Dr Elie’s main task will be to contribute to the drafting of a regional plan of action to address mixed migration and refugee flows from the Horn of Africa, developed by the Government of Yemen, in collaboration with UNHCR and the International Organization for Migration.

Dr Elie received his PhD from the Graduate Institute’s Department of International History and Politics in 2007. He was one of the founding members of the Graduate Institute’s Programme for the Study of Global Migration and acted as its Coordinator of Activities and Executive Director between January 2008 and October 2013.