How can we tackle "fake news", propaganda, and disinformation to protect democratic voice?
The Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy is actively involved in the “Democracy Week” that is promoted every year by the Geneva Chancellery of State. This year's theme was “Information, disinformation and participations: the new democratic challenges”.
We organised a series of events exploring how media—both traditional and new—have been used to shape public opinion and democratic participation, with a particular focus on Europe and the Americas:
“Populists don’t have a monopoly on emotions”: Citizens against disinformation, 30 September 2019 , read more and watch the panel discussion here
A new Latin American wave? Crisis and Possibilities of Young Democracies, 30 September – 02 October 2019, read more and watch the panel discussion here
Free media, disinformation and democracy, 02 October 2019, read more here
Gift Exchange: The transnational history of a political idea, 03 October 2019 , read more and watch the panel discussion here