Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy
27 May 2024


In Iceland, the presidential elections are scheduled to be held on June 1 2024. In Iceland, any citizen could run for office if gathers at least 1500 signatures. More than 60 started the signatures collection and 13 qualified.

The country is often perceived as a strange and distant country well known for its geysers and frequent volcanic eruptions. In 2008 a series of protests motivated by a major financial crisis and corruption scandals attracted global attention. A draft constitutional bill however got stalled in parliament, even after a consultative referendum in which two-thirds of voters confirmed their support of a new constitution.

In this episode of "Who Is Voting in 2024," we explore the upcoming Icelandic presidential elections. From its unique political history to the current landscape, we examine the stakes involved as a diverse field of candidates vies for leadership. Join us as we delve into the issues shaping Iceland's future presidency and its future, with the participation of political scientist Eva Önnudóttirand and the philosopher Jón Ólafsson both professors at the University of Iceland.

Discover our episodes on the elections in Panama, Mexico, South Africa and subscribe for upcoming episodes on, among others, the Indian and European Parliament elections!