In memoriam
18 October 2019

Hugh Thirlway

On Hugh Thirlway, former Professor of International Law at the Graduate Institute.

C'est avec une profonde tristesse que nous avons appris le décès du professeur Hugh Thirlway le dimanche 13 octobre 2019. Hugh Thirlway a été professeur de droit international à l'Institut universitaire de hautes études internationales (IUHEI) entre 1994 et 2000. Celles et ceux qui ont eu la chance de le connaître gardent le souvenir d’une personne d’une grande sagesse et sérénité, dotée d’une connaissance érudite du droit international.

Avant d’enseigner à l’Institut,  il avait été le secrétaire juridique principal à la Cour internationale de justice, poste auquel il est retourné après son passage à l’Institut jusqu’à sa retraite en 2008. C’est dire sa passion pour la Cour internationale de Justice qu’il a servi de manière exemplaire pendant de longues années. Nul comme lui ne connaissait sa jurisprudence et les rouages menant à l’élaboration de ses décisions, qu’il a transmis dans son travail monumental « The Law and Procedure of the International Court of Justice », publié d’abord dans plusieurs livraisons dans le British Yearbook of International Law et ensuite sous forme de livre.

Invité l’été dernier par le Département de droit international de l’Institut, il avait présenté son dernier ouvrage sur les sources de droit international. Malgré son état de santé chancelante, il avait fait l’effort de venir à Genève et pu livrer ce que fut son ultime message à l’institution universitaire à laquelle il était le plus attaché.

Nous transmettons nos condoléances à sa famille et à ses plus proches collègues et garderons toujours son souvenir et ses enseignements.

It is with deep sorrow that we heard of the death of Professor Hugh Thirlway on Sunday, October 13, 2019. Hugh Thirlway was Professor of International Law at the Graduate Institute of International Studies (IUHEI) between 1994 and 2000. Those who have the chance to have known him, remember a person of great wisdom and serenity, with an extraordinary knowledge of international law.

Prior to teaching at the Institute, he was the Principal Legal Secretary at the International Court of Justice, a post he returned to after his passage at the Institute, until his retirement in 2008. This demonstrates his passion for the International Court of Justice, which he served in exemplary fashion for many years. No one knew as well as he did, the  jurisprudence of the Court and the workings leading up to the elaboration of its decisions, which he transmitted in his monumental work "The Law and Procedure of the International Court of Justice", published first as multiple articles in the British Yearbook of International Law and then as a book.

Invited last summer by the Department of International Law at the Graduate Institute, he had presented his latest book on the sources of international law. Despite his deteriorating health, he made the effort to come to Geneva and was able to deliver what was his ultimate message to the academic institution to which he was most attached.

We send our condolences to his family and his closest colleagues and will always remember him and his teachings.