Global health centre
22 August 2014

GHP Publications launched in China

China is actively engaging in global health at different levels and across continents. Capactiy building has been a focus area within this approach and executive trainings in global health diplomacy have been held on an annual basis for the past six years at the Global Health Institute at the University of Peking. The GHP at the Graduate Institute has been an instrumental partner in developing and implementing these courses. Innovation is a key to this partnership. 
Each year the curriculum is amended to reflect the ongoing debates and negotiations in global health. South-South cooperation and the role of the BRICS countries in global health were the main thematic focus of the global health diplomacy course held in August 2014. The participants were drawn not only from China but also from Africa and selected BRICS countries. The course has contributed significantly to developing global health thinking and strategy in China. 
One highlight of this year’s course week was the launch of the Chinese translations of two volumes originally published in English with World Scientific Publishers in its Global Health Diplomacy Series, led by Prof Ilona Kickbusch, Director of the GHP: Negotiating and Navigating Global Health edited by Ellen Rosskam and Ilona Kickbusch; and Innovative Health Partnerships, edited by Daniel Low-Beer, currently Visiting Fellow at the GHP.