Geneva Graduate Institute
28 November 2023

Geneva Graduate Institute to Establish the First Chair in Peace Mediation in Switzerland with the Support of Private Philanthropy

The Geneva Graduate Institute is pleased to announce that it will establish the Nagulendran Chair in Peace Mediation commencing from the 2024-2025 academic year for an initial term of five years. This will be the first Chair in peace mediation in Switzerland and it is made possible by the generous support of the Nagulendran Philanthropy Alliance.

Peace mediation provides, with the mutual agreement of conflict parties, a space for negotiations which help the parties to identify conflict drivers, formulate their concerns, and work out solutions through dialogue with the facilitation by impartial third parties.

Marie-Laure Salles, Director of the Geneva Graduate Institute, said:

“We live in an era of radical uncertainty and profound polarisation. The Nagulendran Chair in Peace Mediation at the Geneva Graduate Institute aims to stimulate reflection and practice about how the conflict resolution and peace mediation field can offer responses and new approaches to re-establish dialogue and negotiations as the primary avenue for preventing and resolving violent conflicts and building new futures.”

John Nagulendran, Co-Founder of Nagulendran Philanthropy Alliance, said:

“As a newly established philanthropic fund with a focus on capacity-building in the peace sector, we are delighted to partner with the Geneva Graduate Institute in the establishment of the Chair in Peace Mediation. We are excited that students at the Geneva Graduate Institute will have an opportunity to explore forward-looking innovative approaches to peace mediation, particularly in the areas of climate change, mental health and psychological support, and digital technology.”

Based on Switzerland’s global recognition as a trusted space for peace diplomacy, this Chair seeks to reinforce the Geneva Graduate Institute’s position as a pre-eminent centre for teaching, research and practice in conflict resolution, peace mediation and diplomacy. The Geneva Graduate Institute will commence the nomination process for the first holder of the Chair in Peace Mediation and expects to announce the appointment in March 2024.

About the Geneva Graduate Institute

A pioneer in the exploration of global issues, the Geneva Graduate Institute opens creative spaces for diverse communities and fosters the understanding and engagement essential to a peaceful, equitable and sustainable world. Located in the heart of International Geneva, a centre of global governance, we build on scientific excellence and transdisciplinarity to foster critical and creative thinking on the major challenges of our time.

About Nagulendran Philanthropy Alliance

Nagulendran Philanthropy Alliance is a Swiss-based private philanthropic fund founded by Singaporeans Dorothy and John Nagulendran with a focus on capacity-building to support peace. The fund builds alliances with partners to support projects which develop and inspire the next generation of leaders tackling global challenges.