Global Governance Centre
26 November 2018

Frameworks for understanding the diffusion of power in global governance

Professor Stefano Guzzini in our bi-weekly Colloquium. 

Professor Stefano Guzzini, Senior Researcher at the Danish Institute for International Studies, was our guest speaker at our last bi-weekly Colloquium series. He outlined diverse frameworks for understanding the diffusion of power in global governance while emphasizing that different theories produce different problematiques for global governance. Our discussant, Jonathan Luke Austin, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding at the Graduate Institute, debated the value-perspective within these frameworks to develop an understanding of the current political movements which try to integrate a variety of values within one political discourse.

Other issues that were discussed involved questions about power transitions, technological advancements, and the role of different actors possessing different powers.

Our last Colloquium for this semester will take place on 3rd December 2018 with James Hollway discussing the Topology of Institutional Complexity. 

Global Governance Colloquium Series
The Global Governance Colloquium series aims to build a denser research community by providing scholars of governance issues a platform to present and discuss works in progress across disciplinary boundaries. The colloquia take place biweekly on Mondays over lunchtime.