21 July 2010

Former Institute student vying for Polish presidency

Andrzej Olechowski, previously Minister of Finance, seeks position for the second time.

Alumnus Andrzej Olechowski, Poland’s former Minister of Finance and former Chief of its Foreign Affairs Ministry, is campaigning in the Polish presidential elections for the second time in his life. He is an independent candidate supported by the Stronnictwo Demokratyczne (SD -the Democratic Party). He has had a steady presence in Polish politics and became a member of "Solidarność" in 1980, shortly after his time at the Institute.

In an interview with the Polish Press Agency, he revealed his goals to reunite politicians in the name of Poles’ interests. His campaign focus is on the economy which he sees as the key to more prosperity in the country. He said that if he wins the elections he will also focus on policies leading to equality of opportunity between women and men and work to improve Poland’s relations with countries such as Russia and Germany. In addition, he said he will work towards the development of the Eastern Partnership. Andrzej Olechowski has said that if he loses the elections, he will continue in politics working alongside the Democratic Party. His campaign motto is “A Contract for Poland”, containing 16 points regarding economic growth, equal opportunities for women and men as well as civil society.

Mr Olechowski also worked for the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in Geneva as well as the World Bank in Washington. He holds a PhD in Economics and is member of the Board of Vivendi and co-founded the Polish Civic Platform.

An English translation by Anna Zongollowicz [pdf] of an article on this subject that appeared in the Polish language in the Journal Gazeta Wyborcza on 17 June 2010 is available (Polish Press, Agency News Service and Copyright © PAP SA).

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