Centre for international environmental studies
09 May 2017

Expert workshop on improving data on green growth policies

Assessing the impact of green growth policies on trade and economic competitiveness will require collecting improved data for applied research - in particular in developing countries. Last January, the Green Growth Knowledge Platform, partner of the CIES, convened a 1.5-day workshop that drew together leading academics, statistical experts, and database managers to discuss opportunities for improving data on green growth policies in developing countries. Drawing insights on the CIES research programme on Innovation, Sustainable Growth and Technological Change, Dr. Joelle Noailly gave a presentation on how to augment existing databases for better assessing the impacts of environmental regulations on innovation and competitiveness. CIES researchers are also currently involved in these issues through the project on Environmental regulation and economic competitiveness: employment, firms’ location and technology adoption financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation. In the future, the GGKP will make available online a list of environmental policy databases with web links and will explore building a new ontology for environmental policy data that can facilitate bulk data downloads, linked open data sharing and data services.

Read more about the workshop here.

Assessing the impact of green growth policies on trade and economic competitiveness will require collecting improved data for applied research - in particular in developing countries. Last January, the Green Growth Knowledge Platform, partner of the CIES, convened a 1.5-day workshop that drew together leading academics, statistical experts, and database managers to discuss opportunities for improving data on green growth policies in developing countries. Drawing insights on the CIES research programme on Innovation, Sustainable Growth and Technological Change, Dr. Joelle Noailly gave a presentation on how to augment existing databases for better assessing the impacts of environmental regulations on innovation and competitiveness. CIES researchers are also currently involved in these issues through the project on Environmental regulation and economic competitiveness: employment, firms’ location and technology adoption financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation. In the future, the GGKP will make available online a list of environmental policy databases with web links and will explore building a new ontology for environmental policy data that can facilitate bulk data downloads, linked open data sharing and data services.

Read more about the workshop here.