Centre for international environmental studies
21 April 2015

Dr. Bruno Lanz Publishes Two Articles

Two articles by Dr. Bruno Lanz, research associate at CIES, have recently been accepted for publication in peer-reviewed journals. On climate policy first, the Energy Journal will publish the paper “Emissions Trading in the Presence of Price-Regulated Polluting Firms: How Costly Are Free Allowances?” (with Sebastian Rausch). This paper looks at the design of emissions trading policies when the price of electricity is regulated by the state.
Second, studying the value of improving water and wastewater management services, the Journal of Regulatory Economics has accepted the paper “Using discrete choice experiments to regulate the provision of water services: Do status quo choices reflect preferences?” (with Allan Provins).
Preprints of these two articles are available in the CIES research paper series.

Two articles by Dr. Bruno Lanz, research associate at CIES, have recently been accepted for publication in peer-reviewed journals. On climate policy first, the Energy Journal will publish the paper “Emissions Trading in the Presence of Price-Regulated Polluting Firms: How Costly Are Free Allowances?” (with Sebastian Rausch). This paper looks at the design of emissions trading policies when the price of electricity is regulated by the state.
Second, studying the value of improving water and wastewater management services, the Journal of Regulatory Economics has accepted the paper “Using discrete choice experiments to regulate the provision of water services: Do status quo choices reflect preferences?” (with Allan Provins).
Preprints of these two articles are available in the CIES research paper series.