Global migration centre
05 May 2017

The Documentary 2 Girls Received an Award

The documentary 2 Girls, based on a research project Time to Look at Girls led by Katarzyna Grabska and Alessandro Monsutti, received an award for the best documentary at the Tiburon International Film Festival, USA  in April, 2017.  

The GMC research project, funded by the Swiss Network for International Studies (SNIS), explored the links between migration of adolescent girls and development in the Global South through a holistic approach that contextualises adolescents' and young women's agency, choices and migration experiences in Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Sudan. Among other outcomes, a movie has been shot to document migrant girls' lives in two countries, Bangladesh and Ethiopia. Directed by Marco Speroni, the documentary movie was funded by the University of Sussex, Terre des Hommes and Feminist Review Trust. 

A screening of the film was held at the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) in November 2016. Additionally, the film has been accepted to numerous film festivals, including the RIFF Rome Independent Film Festival, Afro Film Festival "Ananse," Lisbon International Film Festival and the 7th HumanDoc International Documentary Film Festival in Warsaw. It has been awarded First Prize for Best Italian Documentary and Grand Prix for Best Foreign Film.