A testimonial from Damilola Adepeju (Nigeria), Master Student in International Relations/Political Science
I come from Nigeria, where I earned my bachelor’s degree in International Relations from Obafemi Awolowo University. My decision to apply to the Graduate Institute was influenced by the institution’s great reputation, and the fact that there are faculty members with deep expertise in international studies. The Graduate Institute’s history as one of the world’s most renowned institutions of international relations was a strong motivating factor. In addition, I find the socio-cultural diversity of the Institute enthralling – as well as its environment (International Geneva), a hub of international governance.
Being selected for the BeeOne scholarship has already made a big difference in my life. It means that my goal of studying and remaining focused to successfully complete my master’s degree is more achievable, because without the scholarship, the level of ease and concentration that I currently enjoy on my academic and research endeavours would not be possible.
As my research interest at the Institute lies in issues relating to migration, conflict and conflict resolution, my studies revolve around these areas, and my master’s dissertation centres on the link between remittances and development, considering the different types of relationships between the remitter and the receiver and what these relationships mean for how remittances are sent and invested.
As a student whose career goal is to become an academic in the field of political science, after my studies at the Graduate Institute I aim to study for a PhD on conflict and conflict resolution. Coming from a country with a history of ethnic conflicts, I strongly believe that having a broad understanding of the root causes and propagation of conflicts in general would provide me with a lens through which insights can be drawn on how to address different conflict situations at different levels as well as in different contexts.
Un alumnus explique pourquoi il soutient un étudiant
«Financer une bourse, c’est contribuer, à mon échelle, à attirer des étudiants du monde entier à l’Institut et à Genève. C’est aussi, en quelque sorte, redonner un peu ce que j’ai reçu, à l’époque, de l’Instruction publique du canton de Genève. J’avais décidé d’étudier à l’Institut pour assouvir ma soif de comprendre au-delà des rideaux de fumée. Ces études m’ont permis de forger une grille de lecture critique et pluridisciplinaire d’enjeux complexes. Cela a été un formidable apprentissage et j’ai de surcroît beaucoup apprécié d’étudier en anglais dans un environnement très international. Je garde un très bon souvenir de l’examen final de l’interdisciplinaire de 4e année. J’ai adoré me plonger avec intensité dans une thématique découverte un jour avant ma présentation. Devoir s’immerger en vingtquatre heures dans une thématique nouvelle et présenter une analyse critique sous plusieurs perspectives aura été sans aucun doute l’examen le plus stimulant et intelligent que j’ai eu la chance de passer dans ma vie d’étudiant. Après avoir obtenu mon diplôme de l’Institut, j’ai évolué vers le marketing de produits de grande consommation au sein du groupe Swatch avant de fonder ma propre entreprise en 2000.»
José Luis Herrero,
Fondateur et directeur general de BeeOne Communications SA