Global migration centre
11 November 2015

Conference: Migration and Exile in the Horn of Africa: State of knowledge and current debates

The CEDEJ, the CFFE, and the University of Khartoum co-organise a conference on migration and exile in the Horn of Africa. Katarzyna Grabska will present her research on adolescent girls migration.

The French Research Centre for Social Sciences (CEDEJ) in Khartoum and the French Centre for Ethiopian Studies (CFFE) in Addis Ababa, together in partnership with University of Khartoum, organized a scientific conference that took place in Khartoum, between 16-18 November, 2015.

The conference aimed to offer an overview of the current debate and research in the social sciences on migrations in the Horn of Africa. It focused on the recent studies conducted in the migrants’ and exiles’ areas of origins, transit and destination.

The three-day conference started with an evening screening and a debate about the documentary entitled “Time to look at girls: migrants in Bangladesh and Ethiopia” by Katarzyna Grabska, Nicoletta del Franco and Marina de Regt, based on the findings of their research project, followed by proceedings over two days composed of six thematic panels and three roundtables.

See the detailed programme of the conference here.

See the photos of the conference here.


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