CIES Academic Co-director, Liliana Andonova, has published her research in a new book chapter

Andonova's chapter examines the formation of a new sphere of clean energy governance and identifies three distinct stages in its politics.
The first stage took place through transnational network-based initiatives in the 1990 and early 2000s. By the end of 2010, the second period resulted in the formation of a new international hierarchy based on renewable energy. And the third stage was marked by the Clean Energy for All framework and the Sustainable Development Goal 7 on Affordable and Clean Energy.
"These policy moves institutionalized a new, layered, and evolving sphere of governance of networks, hierarchies, and hybrid arrangements." The analysis also provides evidence of a layering of governance modes when "networks engage markets, rely on state agencies for resources, and create pathways to new intergovernmental or hybrid structures".