Centre for international environmental studies
02 July 2014

CIES represented at GCW 2014 Conference

CIES’ Research Assistant Chiara Ravetti presented her research at the Governance of a Complex World  2014 conference on “Smart, Inclusive and Sustainable Growth”, which took place this June in Turin, Italy. Chiara presented her work on “Inclusive and sustainable growth: lessons and challenges from South Africa”, a theoretical  study of how a developing countries specialized in fossil-fuel intensive production can re-direct its comparative advantage in trade through technological investments, and how this influences environmental outcomes, both at the global and local level.

CIES’ Research Assistant Chiara Ravetti presented her research at the Governance of a Complex World  2014 conference on “Smart, Inclusive and Sustainable Growth”, which took place this June in Turin, Italy. Chiara presented her work on “Inclusive and sustainable growth: lessons and challenges from South Africa”, a theoretical  study of how a developing countries specialized in fossil-fuel intensive production can re-direct its comparative advantage in trade through technological investments, and how this influences environmental outcomes, both at the global and local level.