Centre on conflict, development & peacebuilding
22 April 2015

CCDP Research Associate gives TED Talk on urban violence

CCDP Research Associate Dr. Robert Muggah gave a TED Talk at the TEDGlobal event in Rio de Janeiro in October 2014. In his talk How to Protect Fast-Growing Cities from Failing, Dr. Muggah presented a case for why fast-growing cities may pose a new global risk and what can be done to prevent this from escalating.

In February 2015, Dr. Muggah followed in the steps of his talk and published the feature article Fixing Fragile Cities - Solutions for Urban Violence and Poverty in Foreign Affairs Magazine. 

Click here to read the Foreign Affairs article, and here for more information on the TED Talk.

CCDP Research Associate Dr. Robert Muggah gave a TED Talk at the TEDGlobal event in Rio de Janeiro in October 2014. In his talk How to Protect Fast-Growing Cities from Failing, Dr. Muggah presented a case for why fast-growing cities may pose a new global risk and what can be done to prevent this from escalating.

In February 2015, Dr. Muggah followed in the steps of his talk and published the feature article Fixing Fragile Cities - Solutions for Urban Violence and Poverty in Foreign Affairs Magazine. 

Click here to read the Foreign Affairs article, and here for more information on the TED Talk.