Sponsorship for opening ceremony and residency
07 June 2024

Caux Forum: students wanted!!!

The Caux Forum offers Geneva Graduate Institute Students 10 complimentary entries to the Caux Democracy Forum Opening Ceremony on the 15th of July 


2 sponsored residencies for either the Caux Inner Development Goals Forum (Full Residential Forum:  9-13 July, Caux Palace) or the Caux Democracy Forum (Full Residential Forum: 15-19 July 2024, Caux Palace) .

To apply register HERE before the 14th of JUNE

You are also welcome to attend the opening Ceremony of the Inner Development Goals Forum in Maison de la Paix on 9 July.

For more details you can see here

Caux Inner Development Goals Forum

9 - 13 July

Opening Ceremony: 9 July at the Maison de la Paix in Geneva.

Full Residential Forum:  9-13 July, Caux Palace

The Caux IDG Forum offers a unique convergence of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Inner Development Goals (IDGs) aimed at accelerating progress on the SDGs by developing the inner capacities necessary to address today’s challenges both individually and collectively.

Co-organised by Initiatives of Change and the Inner Development Goals Foundation, the forum draws on the Inner Development Goals framework and methodologies developed by Initiatives of Change over more than 75 years.

It provides participants from diverse backgrounds a common platform to collectively tackle contemporary global challenges. In an atmosphere of trust, attentiveness, solidarity, and respect, the Caux IDG Forum encourages open and deep discussions, fostering self-reflection on how personal transformation can initiate broader collective change.

Find the full programme here. More information on specific workshops will be added in the coming days.


Caux Democracy Forum

15-19 July, 2024

Opening Ceremony: 15 July 2024, Caux Palace
In partnership with the Geneva Diplomatic Club, the Opening Ceremony will be followed by a reception, an exhibition of political cartoons by Patrick Chappatte and a concert by Nola Kin, organised with the support of the Montreux Jazz Foundation. 

Full Residential Forum: 15-19 July 2024, Caux Palace

This forum will tackle the challenge of instilling democratic values like integrity, accountability, transparency, and inclusiveness in every aspect of society. Democracy thrives when these values permeate families, workplaces, politics and government.

The Caux Democracy Forum will feature individuals striving to make these values central to governance, business, education, media, and the environment. They are confronting corruption, building trust, healing relationships, and developing inclusive economic approaches, laying the groundwork for trust and cooperation essential for democracy.

The full residential forum is articulated around three workstreams:  Healing the Wounds of the Past - Forgiveness and Restitution, People-Centred Economics - Human Rights and Responsibilities, and  Civil Society Fostering Dialogue - From Polarization to Participation.

Find the full programme here.