Trade and International Finance
Michelle Flückliger, Fabiola Galvez, Amy Nguyen
Crowdwork Platforms and the Trade Regime: Opportunities and Challenges
Partner: ILO
"Our capstone sheds light on the underlying issue of trade regulations’ impact on digital labour standards. The cooperation, communication and complicity within our team remain the lessons we value most. In fact, we hope the future of work will mirror those values at an institutional level".
Uma Rani, Senior Economist & Rishabh Kumar Dhir, Research Officer, ILO
"The Graduate Institute is known to be among the world’s premier institutions preparing the next generation of development and public policy professionals, with a cohort of passionate students. The ILO engaged with the students for this research on implications of digital labour platforms for developing countries due to its expertise in this area and it was interested in widening the scope of the students by bringing in the labour dimension in various aspects of the digital platforms.
The graduate students were curious and enthusiastic to learn, which allowed for a broader exploration of issues such as trade or legal implications at the country level. Their openness to new ideas allowed us to explore, engage and guide them in some of the complex issues in the area of digital labour platforms, and they were within a short time able to gain enormous knowledge in this area. This was very gratifying and encouraging. The project also allowed us to enhance their awareness, knowledge and capacities on decent work issues related to digital labour platforms, which going forward would help them to have shared perspective that aims to promote, protect and respect labour rights".