03 June 2010

Building bridges between Japan and Switzerland

The Tokyo Alumni Chapter of the Graduate Institute has had an active and full year with a series of activities that have sought to grow its membership...

The Tokyo Alumni Chapter of the Graduate Institute has had an active and full year with a series of activities that have sought to grow its membership, enhance member participation in events and strengthen the already close links between the Chapter and the Institute.

Early in the year, in February 2009, the Chapter was fortunate to welcome Professor Philippe Burrin, Director of the Institute, and Professor Cedric Dupont during a visit to Tokyo. Professor Shin Hae Bong, President of the Chapter, was invited to deliver the welcome address during a reception hosted by H.E. Ambassador Paul Fivat, Switzerland’s Ambassador to Japan and a strong supporter of the Tokyo Chapter. This was followed by a lecture delivered by Professor Cedric Dupont on the topic "Multilateralism and the Economic Crisis". After the lecture, Swiss and Japanese guests alike sat down to enjoy a meal consisting of the Swiss cheese speciality, raclette.

Later in the year, in the summer, Professor Shin Hae Bong hosted a farewell reception in her home to honour Peter Nelson, departing Counsellor for Culture and Press Affairs with the Swiss Embassy to Japan. Peter Nelson and Shin Hae Bong are close friends having studied together at the Institute in Geneva during the 1990s. Peter Nelson was very active in the creation of the Tokyo Chapter. He worked tirelessly to gather names and addresses of Graduate Institute Alumni in Japan and with the support of H.E. Ambassador Paul Fivat, helped to launch the Tokyo Chapter.

These events were followed in November by a small meeting of the Japanese alumni who were invited to a reception organised by Mrs. Marianne Gramm, Minister and Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of Switzerland, in honour of Senator Yoichi Masuzoe, former Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan. Mrs. Gramm and Mr. Masuzoe have been friends since the 1970s having studied together at the Institute. The small gathering of guests at the reception was treated to refreshments including Swiss wines and snacks.

All these events continue to strengthen bonds between Japanese alumni of the Graduate Institute and Switzerland.

The Tokyo Chapter was launched in April 2008. It is presided over by Shin Hae Bong, Professor of International Law at Aoyama Gakuin University in Tokyo, who studied at the Institute in Geneva during the 1990s.

For more information about the Tokyo Chapter please click here