07 January 2015

Build a better place for Cambodia

Tek Vannara (DPP ’07) appointed Executive Director of the NGO Forum.

Tek Vannara (DPP ’07) appointed Executive Director of the NGO Forum.

The NGO Forum on Cambodia is working on diverse programmes for the positive changes in Cambodia. This leads to many tasks and responsibilities that call for Vannara Tek, 33-year old, to work with. He is very optimistic with his exertion. He has confidence in the supremacy of inspiration and people generous hearts are the essential elements for the development work.

When we asked what is going to be his priorities with the new position at the NGO Forum, he responded: “To come across our long and short terms strategic plans over the coming periods by directing the focus of strength and resources toward the things that will consent us to accomplish our objectives. In the meantime, we need to keep concentration on our current programmes to assure the efficiently movement along with achievements. With the strong effort to support each other in work, I believe we can make Cambodia a better place.”

Accompanied by his working experience, Vannara Tek went through years of studying background and jobs.  He obtained two Master degrees, one in Development Studies from The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies and one in Agricultural Economics Development from The Royal University of Agriculture. 

He has over eleven years of working experience on leadership, management, natural resources and environmental management as well as community development with NGOs, CSOs, and the government. During a previous decade, he has conducted numerous study researches and able to release his 16 study reports interrelated to environment, water resource management, river basin deployment, forestry management, indigenous people, land, climate change, agriculture and relocation to the public. He, besides, used to be invited as a speaker to the regional and international conferences in 36 countries around the world. Moreover, in 2012 Vannara Tek got an excellence award on environment from Eco-Peace Leadership Center and Kangwon National University, South Korea.