My story unfolds in the small town of Twin Falls, Idaho. Throughout the United States, Idaho is renowned for its potatoes. Surprisingly, I learned how to harvest potatoes not in Idaho, but in Bosnia & Herzegovina.
My parents arrived in the United States as refugees in the mid-1990s following the collapse of the Former Yugoslavia. They left behind family, friends and their entire way of life. With USD 20 to their name, they embarked on a journey to provide a better life for myself and my younger brother. I recall the early years of my childhood where they both laboured away in multiple low-paying jobs, yet, they still managed to spend quality time with us.
In these moments my interests in current world affairs and history came to fruition. Luckily, I was able to engage in such topics with my father since a majority of my peers at the time were not interested in those subjects.
I eventually found myself attending the College of Idaho where I earned bachelor’s degrees in Business Administration and International Political Economy (IPE). Initially, I was hesitant on pursuing a degree in international affairs or history until I was introduced to IPE. I was also afforded the opportunity to play football (soccer) for the college.
As my interests in global affairs grew, my college advisor recommended a list of graduate programmes to view. Hence, I uncovered the Graduate Institute. The shared global vision, the prominent faculty and the life experience steered me towards selecting this institution. I believe the Graduate Institute will provide me the necessary skills to be prepared for a career in either the public or private sector.
I will be far from home, yet close to home at the same time. As this journey continues, I must extend my gratitude towards my loving parents.