Global Governance Centre
03 March 2025

Book launch : "International Sanctions in Practice: An Interdisciplinary Perspective" video

On 25 October 2024, the Global Governance Centre hosted a launch of the book "International Sanctions in Practice:  An Interdisciplinary Perspective" with the participation of four editors. The video is available to watch here.

The book International Sanctions in Practice: An Interdisciplinary Perspective addresses key aspects relating to the use of international sanctions by assembling contributions from different fields of expertise with a view to providing readers with an interdisciplinary perspective. Unilateral or plurilateral restrictive measures, commonly referred to as “sanctions”, by States or regional organizations have been acquiring an enormous practical importance in the last decades, leading also to the institution of a European Union’s sanctioning mechanism of its own. In addition to that, the war in Ukraine, triggered by the Russian aggression, has given them an unprecedented visibility, including in the mainstream media. The matter nevertheless remains particularly complex, given its diverse implications from a legal as well as from an economic-financial point of view, and not least in a political perspective. 

This book follows up the workshop that was held at the University of Florence on 9-10 December 2021 and collects original contributions from promising or acclaimed, leading experts on sanctions. Each part of the book is devoted to three main themes: legality and legitimacy; extraterritorial implications; and effectiveness. These parts consist of a “dialogue” between experts from different fields. The book explores the legal basis of sanctions and how this impacts their legitimacy and the perception of their legitimacy. It considers the complex implications of the extraterritorial effects that sanctions often produce or are even intended to produce, as well as how effective they are in relation to different underlying aims. It is hardly possible to tackle such key questions through a unique disciplinary lens. This book thus represents an invitation to scholars, experts and decision-makers to adopt an interdisciplinary approach that can no longer be eluded.

The introduction of the launch was held by Erica Moret, Director, United Nations Affairs & International Organisations, Microsoft. Antonio Bultrini, Associate Professor of International Law at the University of Florence, Francesco Giumelli, Associate Professor in International Relations at the University of Groningen, Clara Portela, Professor of Political Science at the Law School of the University of Valencia, and Mirko Sossai, Associate Professor of International Law at the Law Department of the Roma Tre University, participated in the panel. The book launch was moderated by Thomas Biersteker, Gasteyger Professor Honoraire at the Geneva Graduate Institute.

This event was co-sponsored by the Multidisciplinary International Network on Sanctions (MINOS) 

Watch the video recording of the event below.