19 February 2013

Berlin Chapter

The group based in the German capital celebrates its launch.

The Berlin Chapter of the Graduate Institute was officially launched on 4 February. We, the organisers, Cosmin Olteanu, and Jennifer Miksch, invited alumni from various disciplines to the event which (like all upcoming events) was open for friends and partners as well. While having Spanish tapas we talked about the individual paths each of us took after graduating from the Graduate Institute. Everyone in the group had a special and interesting story worth sharing. The inauguration was a big success and led to exciting new plans.

The goals of the Berlin chapter include the creation of a strong and reliable network of contacts as well as the promotion of the Institute in general. We therefore decided to meet quarterly on different days of the week in order to give everyone the chance to participate – we will link our meetings with visiting different “highlights” of the German capital.

The Berlin chapter committee is made up by Cosmin Olteanu (organiser, class of 2011), Jennifer Miksch (organiser, class of 2012), Benedikt Pollmeier, Christiane Lehmann, Claudia Meier, Felix Helmstädter, Lucie Menz, and Michael Teichmann.

For more information, membership requests or suggestions please contact

Warm regards from Berlin,
Cosmin Olteanu and Jennifer Miksch (on behalf of the Berlin Chapter)