27 July 2011

Alumni outreach

Over the years we have inevitably lost contact with a large number of our former students.

If you do not receive our biannual journal Globe by e-mail or any correspondence from the Institute by regular post, we no longer have your up-to-date contact details.

Since the beginning of the summer we have been carrying out an Alumni outreach campaign to find those who have fallen out of touch. This project is part of the Institute’s increased development, which since 2008 has included real estate projects, the hiring of new faculty members as well as the creation of new study programmes and research centres.

We would therefore like to encourage you the provide us with all of the requested information in the form which we will use to update your contact details.

If you are in touch with other Institute Alumni, we would appreciate it if you would encourage them to re-establish contact with us. In order to do this, we suggest you send them a link to the above-mentioned form and explain to them that the Institute would like to keep them informed of our most recent developments.

We would like to thank you for your support in our ambitious project to strengthen the Institute’s network of over 11,000 Alumni.


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