06 November 2013

Alumni Chapter Created in Colombia

This September the Alumni Chapter in Colombia was launched in Bogotá. Members come from a variety of programmes at the Institute, with a strong focus on development studies and international cooperation. The Chapter’s managing committee has also invited Colombian alumni living in Switzerland to participate in its activities as a recognition of the close professional ties that these alumni keep with their country in addition to their valuable contributions and areas of expertise. Professor Jean Pierre Gontard is an honorary member of the Chapter due to his permanent support of Colombian students in Geneva, and the fact that as a former member of the Graduate Institute Alumni Association Committee, he played a strong role in creating the chapter in Colombia. The Chapter continues its efforts to grow.

The Colombia chapter’s activities have so far focused on professional networking and peer support in a variety of issues where its members are presently active, such as international cooperation, human rights issues, gender issues, media and development, and peace building, amongst others. The chapter’s most recent meeting in October concentrated on members’ professional undertakings related to the ongoing peace process in Colombia. The committee is also preparing a gathering with Professor Jean Luc Maurer, who has announced a visit to Bogotá in December 2013, and another in 2014 with Professor Jean Michel Servet.

A work plan with various activities will be developed in 2014. The committee hopes to strengthen Latin-American attendance in the graduate and executive education programmes offered by the Institute, and to help reinforce North-South exchanges between Colombian institutions, civil society, universities and the relevant research and teaching resources at the Graduate Institute.

Founding Members

- Marcela Salazar Posada (’85), Chairperson/ international alumni committee of AAID

- Elisa Díaz (´94)
- Ivo Garcia Vargas (´93)
- María Henao de Brigard (’93)
- Ricardo Espinosa (´81)
- Maria Teresa Garrido Otoya (´93)
- Lyda Natalia Hernandez Garcia (’13)
- Liliana Obregon Espinel (’96)
- Sofi Ospina (´91)
- Margarita Pacheco Montes (’78)
- Nancy Perdomo Cerquera (’91)
- Sofia Helena Reyes Villegas (’09)
- Natalia Segura Vásquez (’07)
- Liliana Soler (’01)
- Edgar Germán Zarama Vasquez (’87)
- Ernesto Zarama Vasquez (´90)

Registered members for networking purpose but not active yet

- Franci Yorline Astaiza B. (’12)
- Úrsula Giedion (´90)
- Nidia Constanza Mancipe C.(´08)
- Alix Morales Marin (´09)
- Neither Yaneth Munevar G. (´09)
- Paula Andrea Valencia (’04)