17 June 2010

Alumni boost recruitment campaign 2009

In 2009, the Institute has been able to continue to count on the support of its dedicated alumni to contribute to enhancing its international visibility.

Several alumni represented the Institute at the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA) student fairs, which took place last autumn in Latin America and California. Their work included presenting the Institute and its study programmes to over 800 prospective students.

Presence at APSIA fairs is an essential part of the Institute's promotional strategy. The Institute aims to place itself among the top five APSIA schools and the fairs are instrumental in recruiting select, highly qualified students who are interested in pursuing graduate studies in the field of international affairs and development issues. Through the activities of these alumni, the Institute has, for example, been able to present its Pierre Dubois scholarships for PhD candidates from Latin America to a wider audience and raise its visibility in prestigious universities in the United States such as UCLA and Berkeley.

Four of the participants, Francisco Rivadeneira, Carlos Sagasti, Paulo Álvarez and Heather Moser participated in these outreach activities for the second time. The following alumni represented the Institute at APSIA fairs in the cities listed below:

Francisco Rivadeneira, Quito, Ecuador, 7 September
Paulo Andrés Pérez Álvarez, Bogotá, Columbia, 9 September
Hassan Farazian, Los Angeles, USA 27 October 27
Claudia Egger, Berkeley, USA, 28 October 28
Heather Moser, San Francisco, USA, 29 October

Numerous Institute alumni who work in the academic sector, including many Professors, have also contributed to promoting the Institute by distributing brochures and posters, making recommendations to their students and organising events. Alumni groups taking part were the Tokyo, Washington, New York, Quito, Bern and Kinshasa chapters. The Institute would like to express its gratitude to these people for their crucial work helping the Institute achieve more international exposure.