08 May 2017

Alumni Association Awards 2017 - nominations close 15th May

In 2016, the Graduate Institute Alumni Association launched the Alumni Awards to recognise the achievements of Institute alumni who are making an outstanding difference to the world. The 2016 winners were Lora Pappa (Licence en relations internationales ‘88), founder and president of the Greek NGO METAdrasi-Action for Migration and Development, and Michel Barde (Diplôme ‘75), former member of the Board of Directors of the HEI Foundation and President of the Association of HEI Alumni between 1977 and 1982.

In 2017, the Alumni Association Committee is looking for nomination proposals in four categories:

Alumnus of the Year

Recognises the outstanding achievement of an alumnus in her/his field within the last year. Consideration is given to alumni who have won honours in their field or who have been recognised nationally or internationally.

Young Alumnus

Recognises the outstanding achievement of a young alumnus in her/his field, whether through professional achievement or community service. The recipient must be 40 years or under at the time of nomination.

Commitment to the Institute and Alumni Association

Recognises the extraordinary contributions to the advancement of the Institute and Alumni Association by an alumnus through his/her volunteerism, dedication, philanthropy and commitment to its values.

Lifetime Professional Achievement

Recognises an alumnus who has demonstrated excellence and achievement in her/his distinguished career; has demonstrated leadership in their profession; has made a positive contribution to the prestige, influence and reputation of the Institute; and exercises a strong positive influence within the community.

Laureates will be selected by the Alumni Association Awards Committee and will be invited to attend the awards ceremony and gala dinner during the Alumni Reunion on 3-5 November 2017 in Geneva.