In a life before the Institute, in my carefree undergraduate program, the standard answer on every Macroeconomic question seemed to be a reference to this mysterious economic textbook written by Burda Wyplosz. It took me 2 years and an almost failed exam, to figure out, that Burda is not a forename and the bible for undergraduate students is written by two authors Michael Burda and Charles Wyplosz.
Most of us took our first Macroeconomic steps under parental supervision and with the help of Professor Wyplosz’s book. As we realised a few months ago, that Professor Wyplosz is actually close at hand, we had to give it a try to get him back in the classroom for one last lecture at least. With the full support of Professor Arcand, we approached Professor Wyplosz who, as it turned out, was more than happy to work with us.