The second half of 2021 will feature several global milestones that will set bold targets to safeguard our environment. President of the UN General Assembly will organize a High-Level event in the Summer of 2021 with Portugal and Kenya, the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) will take place in October 2021, and the UNFCCC (COP 26) will take place in November 2021. These milestones will set the future of making peace with nature.
In anticipation of these events, the 2030 Digital Fasttrack Studio's fifth session provided a unique opportunity to preview the most critical technologies that will shape the future of nature - artificial intelligence, big data, and digital technology, and their potential to help make peace with nature.
The fifth session, titled 'Could Better Data Contribute to Making Peace with Nature?' took place on June 22nd.
KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Dona Bertarelli, Special Adviser for the Blue Economy, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
PANELISTS: Lucas Joppa, Chief Environmental Officer, Microsoft | Prof. Lisa Levin, Distinguished Professor, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego | Prof. Bill Adams, Visiting Professor and Holder of the Claudio Segré Chair of Conservation and Development, Center for International Environmental Studies (CIES), The Graduate Institute Geneva (IHEID)
MODERATOR: Jean-Yves Art, Senior Director, Strategic Partnerships, Microsoft
Watch the recording of the event below or find the previous 2030 DFL sessions here.