Global health centre
28 April 2015

100 is not enough – 200 more women leaders in global health!

The response to the Global Health Programme’s 100 Women in Global Health List has been impressive; not only was 100 not enough, but when Ilona Kickbusch launched the hashtag #wgh200 to respond to further nominations, we surpassed even that! With an increased cap, the expanded list of 300 Women Leaders in Global Health includes Twitter nominations of women working around the world to promote the ideals of global health and the highest attainment of health for all.

The original 100 list was also profiled in The Lancet article "Twitter campaign highlights top women in global health", further increasing the reach the list enjoyed across social media. In the article, Professor Kickbusch explains that she began the list after attending too many conferences and panel discussions where women were not properly represented. In the hope of eliminating any excuse for exclusion from these high-level dialogues impacting global health, 300 Women Leaders in Global Health are referenced herein who are contributing their global health expertise around the world as we speak. Reach out to them, to us, and to the global health community at large on Twitter at  @GHC_IHEID and @IlonaKickbusch.