Global Governance Centre
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The WTO, Trade and Environmental Sustainability at MC12: Towards Greater Coherence

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Room S5, Maison de la paix, Geneva

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This meeting will bring together Ambassadors, heads of delegations and senior officials from 20-25 developing and developed countries, plus selected experts and representatives of IGO for a frank, off-the-record exchange on an inclusive, forward-looking agenda for greater coherence between trade and environmental sustainability. 
The WTO Ministerial Conference in June 2020 presents a critical opportunity to move ahead on better alignment of trade and environmental sustainability objectives, policymaking and governance. In light of the challenges facing the WTO, meaningful efforts to address environmental sustainability would also help to reinvigorate the organisation and strengthen its relevance.
In this context, the meeting aims to advance discussion on two questions:

  • How can the multilateral trade system better contribute to meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris climate goals?

  • What priorities and tangible outcomes on trade and environmental sustainability should be advanced at the WTO Ministerial Conference in Nur Sultan in June and beyond?


This event is co-hosted by the Global Governance Centre, the Centre For Trade And Economic Integration and the Chatham House

Please note that this event is by invitation only.