A global paradox is emerging in which care workers - who are largely migrant women, often working in informal home settings - make a considerable contribution to public health in many countries but are themselves exposed to health risks, face barriers to accessing care, and enjoy few labour and social protections. These migrant women care workers act as a cushion for states lacking adequate public provision for long term care, particularly for older people and the sick. Together with rising demographic dependency ratios and female labour force participation, ageing in late industrial and middle income economies is leading to care deficits worldwide.
WHO has produced a new analytical report on this population group, collating evidence across sectors and covering countries that send and receive large numbers of migrant women working in the care sector. The report considers the migrant women themselves as well as the families and households left behind. Grounded in the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 and its commitment to leaving no one behind, this new report aims to inform further debate on migration, care, health and gender in line with principles of human rights, the United Nations Migration Governance Framework, and the 70th World Health Assembly Resolution and Framework on the health of migrants and refugees.
This event will present the report and its findings and key messages on the state of evidence on this population group, the work they do and the lives they lead, the emergence of global care chains and transnational families, as well as the legal and policy frameworks which affect their lives, and what needs to change.
An expert multidisciplinary panel from international organisations and officials from several countries that receive or send large numbers of migrant women who work in the care sector will comment on the intersecting themes raised in the WHO report.
The high-level panelists include:
Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, World Health Organization
Ambassador Laura Thompson, Deputy Director General, International Organization for Migration
Kate Gilmore, United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights
H.E. Antje Leendertse, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Office of the United Nations and other International Organizations in Geneva
Dr Princess Nothemba Simelela, Assistant Director General, Family, Women’s and Children’s Health Cluster, World Health Organization
Bernhard Schwartländer, Chef de Cabinet, World Health Organization
Dr Alan Ludowyke, Director, International Health, Ministry of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine, Sri Lanka
Dr Ilona Kickbusch, Director, Global Health Centre, Graduate Institute
Dr Veronica Magar, Gender, Equity and Rights Team Leader, World Health Organization