IRPS Colloquium
Thomas Hale IRPS

WEB-Colloquium | Assessing Five Years of Climate Action Summits and Initiatives

Dr. Thomas Hale |Blavatnik School of Government ; St Antony's College
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Online conference

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As a part of its International Relations / Political Science Colloquium Series, the Department of Political Science/International Relations is pleased to invite you to a talk by Professor Thomas Hale (Blavatnik School of Government ). He will give a presentation entitled

Assessing Five Years of Climate Action Summits and Initiatives: Outcomes and Determinants of Effectiveness

Due to current circumstances, the event will be held online. You can follow the talk by joining the zoom meeting.

Dr. Thomas Hale is  Associate Professor in Global Public Policy, Blavatnik School of Government; Fellow of St Antony's College.

His research explores how we can manage transnational problems effectively and fairly. He seeks to explain how political institutions evolve – or not – to face the challenges raised by globalisation and interdependence, with a particular emphasis on environmental and economic issues. He holds a PhD in Politics from Princeton University, a master's degree in Global Politics from the London School of Economics, and an AB in public policy from Princeton’s Woodrow Wilson School. A US national, Hale has studied and worked in Argentina, China and Europe. His books include Beyond Gridlock (Polity 2017), Between Interests and Law: The Politics of Transnational Commercial Disputes (Cambridge 2015), Transnational Climate Change Governance (Cambridge 2014), and Gridlock: Why Global Cooperation Is Failing when We Need It Most (Polity 2013).


All talks will be followed by a discussion. Please direct all enquiries to: Eliza Urwin, Colloquium Coordinator, IR/PS Department.