
Water, War, and Wrath: The banal cruelty of our abuse of the world’s most precious resource

Mark Zeitoun, Professor of Water Diplomacy at the Graduate Institute and Director General of the Geneva Water Hub
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Auditorium Ivan Pictet B, Maison de la paix and online

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People do not need more reasons to fight, nor ways to inflict pain. But water is proving increasingly useful for both. Those who have nothing to do with the fighting bear the burden: devastating disease today, long-term environmental degradation tomorrow. With a focus on Western Asia and Western Africa, Professor Zeitoun will explore the extent to which outrage, international water norms and diplomacy can reverse the trend – and the consequences if they cannot.

Moderated by Anne Saab, Associate Professor of International Law and Director, L.L.M. in International Law.

Mark Zeitoun is the Director General of the Geneva Water Hub, and a Professor of Water Diplomacy at the Graduate Institute. He has led on multiple research and water supply projects, and supported water negotiations throughout Western Asia and Africa. His research focuses on international transboundary water conflict and cooperation, the impact of armed conflict on water services, and the links between water, war and health. He studied engineering at McGill University and human geography at King’s College London. He has authored several dozen articles and books, notably Power and Water: the Hidden Politics of the Palestinian-Israeli Water Conflict (IB Tauris 2008), and Reflections: Understanding our use and abuse of water (OUP 2023)

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