Brown Bag Lunch

Violent Conflicts and Risk Mitigating Strategies of Rural Households: Evidence from Burundi

Seoni Han , PhD candidate in Development Economics
, -

S6 Petal 2, Maison de la paix (Geneva)

The Brown Bag Lunch is a weekly event organized by International Economics where faculty members present their ongoing research.

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The Brown Bag Lunch is a weekly series where professors and doctoral students presenting their ongoing research. This week's speaker is Seoni Han , PhD candidate in Development Economics, giving a talk entitled

Violent Conflicts and Risk Mitigating Strategies of Rural Households: Evidence from Burundi

About the presented paper | Civil wars cause economic underperformance and poverty. This paper empirically examines the downward spiral of violence with the micro level analysis of the impacts of violent conflicts on crop production practices of rural farmers in Burundi. I combine the nationwide household survey on agricultural activities with georeferenced data on conflict events. I find that exposure to protracted violence discourages farmers to diversify crop portfolio. The difference in the long and short term impacts of conflicts suggests that adaptation takes place over time. However, the adaptation does not improve welfare of small scaled farmers.


BBL Spring 2019 - Overview