Geneva History Seminar
Brigitte Studer photo

Travelling for the Global Revolution: A New Perspective on the Communist International

Brigitte Studer
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Maison de la Paix P2-S8 and Online on Zoom

Professor Brigitte Studer will present on the subject "Travelling for the Global Revolution: A New Perspective on the Communist International"

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Brigitte Studer has been full professor of contemporary history at the University of Bern until 2020. She has been teaching at the Universities of Geneva and Zurich and at Washington University (Saint-Louis/USA). She has been a guest professor at the EHESS in Paris and at Strathclyde University in Glasgow and a visiting fellow at the University of Vienna and at London University. In her research she focuses on gender history and on a social historical approach of political history. She has widely published on the history of international communism and on the history of women’s suffrage. Her most recent publications include: Reisende der Weltrevolution. Eine Globalgeschichte der Kommunistischen Internationale (Berlin: Suhrkamp TW, 2021, 2nd edition; English and Turkish translation under way); La conquête d’un droit. Le suffrage féminin en Suisse 1848 – 1971 (Neuchâtel: Livréo-Alphil 2021, 2nd edition); Frauenstimmrecht. Historische und rechtliche Entwicklungen 1848 – 1971 (Zurich: Hier und Jetzt, 2021, with Judith Wyttenbach). In English: The Transnational World of the Cominternians (Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2015) and 1968 and the Formation of the Feminist Subject (Twentieth Century Communism. A Journal of International History 3/2011, p.38-69). In November 2016 she co-edited a volume of the journal Monde(s). Histoire, espaces, relations on transnational communism. 

PLEASE NOTE: Access to indoor public events is limited to attendees with a Swiss or European COVID certificate. In addition, face masks must be worn to all in-person events at the Graduate Institute.


Geneva History Seminar
