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Toward a New Dialogue: WTO & Business

GTP & Confederation of Swedish Enterprise

CTEI is pleased to invite you to  join an informal cocktail reception on the theme ‘Toward a New Dialogue: WTO and Business‘ hosted jointly by Confederation of Swedish Enterprise and the Geneva Trade Platform on the evening of the 13th of June, featuring short remarks from several high-level speakers including: Anna Stellinger, Deputy Director General, Head of International EU Affairs, Confederation of Swedish Enterprise and Anabel González, Deputy Director General, WTO.

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Greater business engagement is often identified as a key component of any path forward for the World Trade Organization. Apart from giving you the opportunity to share drinks and refreshments with new and old friends, this event on the margins of the 12th WTO Ministerial Conference seeks to both build firmer bridges between business and the trade policy community, and explore concrete options for how to continue doing so into the future. As space is limited, we encourage you to register your interest early.

About the Initiative: Fourteen business associations from a diverse group of countries on six continents launched an initiative last year focused on how engagement between businesses and the WTO can be strengthened. At this cocktail reception, we invite you to join us in considering five concrete proposals toward a more structured dialogue between the business community and the WTO. For more information about the initiative, click here.