Scrutinizing historical evidence from the entire 20th century, I will identify some recurring patterns of technocratic legitimation. Typically, proponents of technocratic international governance drew on three themes when legitimating IOs: technical competence, efficient problem-solving and impartial defense of the (objectively given) public interest against political rent-seeking. Recent popular resistance against global and regional IOs may be interpreted (at least in part) as a backlash caused by the unanticipated consequences and unfulfilled promises of this technocratic utopia.
- Jens Steffek,
Professor of Transnational Governance and Managing Director of the Institute for Political Science at the Technical University of Darmstadt
- Nina Reiners,
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Potsdam
A light sandwich lunch will be served as 12.15
This event is part of the Global Governance Colloquium series.
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