Ciné-club - Tech Hub
Ghost in the Shell cine club square

Technology & the future of our societies - Ghost in the Shell

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Les Cinémas Du Grütli - Rue du Général-Dufour 16 - 1204 Genève

Welcome to the 12. edition of our ciné-club, a monthly initiative at Les Cinémas du Grütli!

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In partnership with the State of Geneva, the HES-SO Genève, the University of Geneva and the Pôle de Création Numérique, this unique ciné-club examines the impact of technology on our society, exploring future perspectives while taking today's reality as a starting point.

For this edition, we will be screening the movie Ghost in the Shell, then experts will share their views and discuss the implications of the technology presented in the movie.

25 tickets will be offered to the first students from the Institute who register. https://vie-de-campus.unige.ch/campus-life/sport-and-culture/free-ticke…


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