Experts in impact finance and monitoring, who are currently conducting a feasibility study about the blockchain use cases for microfinance, will discuss the potential application of blockchain to the microfinance industry.
Ugo Panizza, Professor of International Economics and Pictet Chair in Finance and Development, Geneva Graduate Institute
Fabio Sofia, Founder, Zebra Impact Ventures
Yoram Ben-Zvi, Cardano for Climate
The Technical Workshop is by invitation only
Cardano Summit 2022
The Technical Workshop's objective is to spark conversation about blockchain and microfinance to be explored on the road to the Cardano Summit 2022, to be held in Lausanne on November 19-21.
Register to the Cardano Summit 2022
Building Bridges 2022
Additionnally to the Technical Workshop, the co-hosts are organising two different sessions during Building Bridges 2022:
A session on Beyond the Hype: Blockchain Infrastructure and Communities for the Global Goals to be held at CICG (room F) from 16:00 to 17:30 on October 4 (organised by the Cardano Foundation)
A session on Sustainability and Impact Measurement and Reporting: Where do We Stand? to be held at CICG (room C) from 16:00 to 17:30 on October 6 (organised by the Geneva Graduate Institute's Swiss Lab for Sustainable Finance, SL4SF).
Register to Building Bridges 2022 (Free for Students. Valid student card required)