Elena Cima is currently a Lecturer at the University of Geneva. She holds a PhD in international law from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, a Bachelor of Laws LL.B from the University of Milan, and an LL.M degree from Yale Law School. She is also Chargée de Cours at the Law School of the University of Geneva and Co-Director of the Geneva Summer School in International Law & International Humanitarian Law.
Her research focuses on international trade and investment disputes with an environmental component, on international disputes involving energy and, more broadly on the international legal framework applicable to energy sources, products, and activities.
Download her paper (co-authored with Prof. Dan Esty).
The International Law Colloquium is a platform to discuss international law scholarship. The presentations chosen for the colloquium reflect the diversity of topics of, and approaches to, international legal study. The colloquium offers an opportunity for in-depth engagement with ongoing research. To maintain the high quality of discussions, participants are kindly requested to read the drafts circulated in advance of each session. Speakers include faculty members of the International Law Department as well as invited external speakers.