weder di mauro

Still big to fail? Reform needs after the demise of Credit Suisse

Beatrice Weder di Mauro, President of CEPR, Professor of International Economics
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Auditorium A2, Maison de la paix, Geneva

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Credit Suisse had been making negative headlines for some time;  however its sudden  collapse still came as a shock to Switzerland.  Although the shockwaves in financial markets quickly subsided after the state-supported acquisition by UBS, the political repercussions continue to unfold.  Credit Suisse was the  first Globally Systemically Important Bank (GSIB) on the brink  since the global financial crisis, and the "Swiss solution”  raised broader questions on the viability of the entire ‘too big to fail’ regime. Against this background, the Swiss government established an independent Expert Group on Banking Stability in June 2023.  The group`s mandate was to extract lessons and provide recommendations to address possible gaps in the regulatory framework. The report was published in September and can be downloaded (EN/FR/DE) at here.

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