Between COVID-19 and social mobilisations, the year 2020 has witnessed unprecedented shifts in security discourses, practices and configurations on local, national and global levels. The online workshop series “Anthropologies and Securities in the Pandemic” draws on various anthropologies, civil society and practitioners around the topic of security amidst these sanitary, social, political, economic and other crises. The outcome will be the creation of an interactive online platform that seeks to cultivate a systematic and long-term dialogue between the different anthropology networks.
This series is hosted by the CCDP of the Graduate Institute Geneva, and sponsored by the GANGS-project.
The third workshop “Social Movements, Mass Mobilisations & Protest in the Pandemic” will focus on the various uprisings and popular mobilisations that emerged off- and online against repression and more broadly government measures during the pandemic. From conspiracy movements in Germany and the digital space, to political uprisings in India, Indonesia and Colombia, speakers will address the complex implications of mass mobilisations during a public health crisis. For more information please visit our website.
Chair: Lene Swetzer (CCDP/Graduate Institute Geneva)
Convener: Claudia Seymour, Senior Researcher, Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding (IHEID)
Welcome Note & Housekeeping: Lene Swetzer & Samira Marty (Co-Organisers)
Keynote Speech on Current Security Situation in Burma: Wai Hnin Pwint Thon (Burma Campaign UK)
P(R)OTESTAS: Digital authoritarianism and protest in the Global South, amidst the Pandemic: Julienne Weegels, Yatun Sastramidjaja, and Luisa F. González Valencia (University of Amsterdam)
The Indian farmer’s movement and the pandemic: endgame for the communal politics? Arnaud Kaba (Göttingen University)
The Great Divide. Anthropological perspectives on protests against SARS- CoV-2 containment measures in Germany: Ehler Voss (University of Bremen)
Evolution of Conspiracy Theory – 5G Riding the Wave of COVID-19: Elena Krsmanovic & Anna Laskai (Utrecht University)
Q&A Session
Closing of the Session